Longest videogame marathon playing Hearthstone
Ilias-Dagis Argyriou
38:22 hour(s)
Grécia (Thessaloniki)
Restrição de idade: Os pedidos para este título de recorde só serão aceitos se o candidato tiver 16 anos de idade ou mais.

The longest videogame marathon playing Hearthstone lasted 38 hours and 22 minutes, achieved by Ilias-Dagis Argyriou (Greece), in Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, between 2 and 4 of June 2017.

Ilias-Dagis had been playing Hearthstone for a couple of years prior to his record attempt.

Ilias-Dagis decided to break this record because gaming means to him fun, a reason to gather with your friends, share news, blow of steam or relax. The whole marathon was streamed via Twitch.