Largest LEGO® Minecraft diorama
17.13 square metre(s)
Reino Unido (London)

Measuring 17.13 m² (184 sq ft) in area, the largest LEGO® Minecraft diorama was a sculpture created with LEGO® Minecraft pieces at the Brick 2014 event held at the ExCel Center, London, from 27–30 November 2014. All visitors to the exhibition were given the opportunity to contribute to the diorama by building on a 16-stud-wide square board before they were assembled by LEGO Co-Creation Manager Julie Broberg and her team. It was measured on a number of occasions across the four-day event, with the final measurement taken at the end of the last day. The 3D scene made a fantasy cityscape, with everything from buildings to trees. The diorama had a maximum length and breadth of 883 x 187 cm but was not perfectly rectangular.