Most goals scored by an individual in a single CONMEBOL Copa America match
Héctor Scarone, Evaristo, José Manuel Moreno, Juan Marvezzi
5 total number
Chile (Santiago)

The most goals scored by an individual in a single CONMEBOL Copa América match is 5, and was achieved by Héctor Scarone (Uruguay), at Estadio Sport de Ñuñoa, in Santiago, Chile, on 28 October 1926. This was equalled by Juan Marvezzi (Argentina), at Estadio Nacional, in Santiago, Chile, on 16 February 1941, José Manuel Moreno (Argentina), at Estadio Centenario, in Montevideo, Uruguay, on 22 January 1942, and Evaristo (Brazil) at Estadio Nacional, in Lima, Perú, on 24 March 1957.

This record title has not been equalled or bested or beaten in over 60 years.